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The marathos plant
May 31, 2020 14 Comment

The marathos plant

marathos is fennel in Greek. We chose this specific plant as our brand name because it’s a representative of Mediterranean cuisine. It’s one of those rare plants that it’s bulb, leaves, shoots and seeds are all edible!  Nothing goes to waste! 

All parts of the plant are aromatic and used in flavouring, and the bulblike stem base of Florence fennel and the blanched shoots are eaten as a vegetable.

Its seeds and extracted oil are suggestive of anise in aroma and taste and are used for scenting soaps and perfumes and for flavouring candies, liqueurs, medicines, and foods, particularly pastries, sweet pickles, and fish. This plant knows multitasking! 

In Greek “marathos” comes from the word “maraino”, meaning to grow thin. 

Fennel was recommended as an herb for weight reduction, “to make people more lean that are too fat,” according to the seventeenth century herbalist and astrologer Nicholas Culpeper. Though not put politely, he was right! 

Fennel, or marathos except for its thinning ability, is a great source of minerals and vitamins. It is crunchy and slightly sweet, giving a refreshing flavor to our ever popular Mediterranean cuisine in marathos. We added a touch of fennel to our perch fillet and it simply took this simple dish to another level. Try it for yourself and you’ll see! 

Time to let you on a secret! Fennel was also valued as a magic herb. In the Middle Ages it was draped over doorways on Midsummer’s Eve to protect the household from evil spirits. As an added measure of protection, the tiny seeds were stuffed into keyholes to keep ghosts from entering the room! 

So start adding a little magic to your meals! Try our “meal kits”, “ready to bake” and “cooked meals” menus and welcome the mesmerizing effect of traditional Greek cuisine to your kitchen! Just a magical klick away!

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