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Let’s begin from the beginning. Why do we waste food?
November 27, 2019 7 Comment

Let’s begin from the beginning. Why do we waste food?

By 2050, it’s estimated that the Earth’s population will top 9 billion. This growing population will undeniably put our food system, natural resources and ecosystems under immense pressure. And now consider this: currently we waste up to 40% of our food globally and 80% of that comes mostly from our homes.

So, how come this issue is so hard to solve? Because researchers say “we are only human”. “We have some irrational tendencies, some aspirations that don’t match reality, and some major blind spots!” Even our busy schedules are obstacles in controlling food waste. Who can truly align their time with the avocado on the counter ripening? When cooking in our kitchen we automatically disconnect between global waste awareness and what we are actually doing when scrapping and emptying our plate into the garbage can.

When we started forming our “marathos go green” movement, one of the main areas we meticulously pursued and loyally persisted on, was the food waste.

Keeping in mind that grocery meals are not pre-portioned, resulting in higher food loss and subsequently waste, we designed our pre-portioned meals. In marathos we help you cut back on food waste by delivering exactly what you need to cook, the precise amount of ingredients and even pre-measured spices! Every meal kit will be cooked according to your own timetable (based on your order) and therefore minimizing the chance for food to go bad before it’s used up.

We know we all have a long way to go. We all show a willingness to recycle, to protect our future and our planet, a wanting to participate and help conserve natural resources. This already is a step ahead! All we need to do is take one step at a time until we all reach our goal. We can really make a change!

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